
Number: 8


  • Gordon Chiu on the worlds transition to renewable energy

    In this episode, Gordon Chiu, PAC's Renewable Fuels Product Manager, discusses how the world is moving towards renewable energy and away from fossil fuels. Also, he explains how PAC is positioning itself during this time of energy transition.

  • How PAC is creating unique value through PACe

    In the second episode of the three-part series for PACe. Hakan Turan explains how the digital ecosystem delivers unique value to customer.

  • How refinery laboratories are benefiting from using OptiMVD

    In this episode, Michael Rankin, the Eastern Gulf Coast Sales Representative for PAC, discusses some of the challenges refinery laboratories have faced over the years, and how the OptiMVD has been the solution to many of those challenges.

  • How refinery laboratories are benefiting from using OptiMVD, by Michael Rankin

    In this episode, Michael Rankin, the Eastern Gulf Coast Sales Representative for PAC, discusses some of the challenges refinery laboratories have faced over the years, and how the OptiMVD has been the solution to many of those challenges.

  • Introducing PACe: Our New Digital Ecosystem

    Hakan Turan, PAC's Digital Portfolio Product Manager, introduces PACe - a fully integrated digital ecosystem by PAC that empowers our customers with enhanced insights and operational efficiencies.

  • Key features of the OptiMVD by Kelvin Lam, PAC Software Engineer

    Kelvin Lam is the software engineer who designed and implemented the software for the OptiMVD. In this episode of the podcast, Kelvin shares his thought process behind creating this software, and how the key features of the OptiMVD are both user-friendly and can improve user productiv ...

  • OptiMVD: New combination viscometer and density meter hits the market

    Larry Spino, PAC's Group Product Manager, talks to Jacquari Harris about PAC's newest product, the OptiMVD. Larry explains why the OptiMVD is the fastest, most versatile combination viscometer and density meter to hit the market. Visit us at info.paclp.com for more information.

  • Servomex 70th Anniversary Special

    In this podcast our experts celebrate 70 years of Servomex, looking at how we got to the position of global expert in gas analysis, and what the future holds.