
Vereinigte Füllkörper-Fabriken

Rheinstrasse 176

Tel : +49 (0) 2623 895-0
Fax : +49 (0 )2623 895-39

Vereinigte Füllkörper-Fabriken & Co KG (VFF) is Europes largest manufacturer of random tower packings and inert media. For all mass and heat transfer applications, VFF supplies the complete range of tower packings, inert media (catalyst supports), column internals and droplet separators (demisters) worldwide - in all relevant materials and sizes.

The free VFF-tower packing software supports the calculation of various applications of mass and heat transfer.

VFF products are subject to a wide range of conditions in various industries around the world - e.g. in the petrochemical and chemical industries, in plant engineering and construction, and in environmental technology. Thanks to decades of cooperation with VFF customers and by intensively examining its products, VFF can rely on extensive know-how, which is the basis for the new development and optimization of VFF products.

The program is rounded off by a competent consulting service of the application technology department.

VFF is active with around 30 agencies worldwide. In order to be able to maintain the quality lead of VFF products in the future and to extend it further, VFF continues to rely on its products Made in Germany.

Especially in the ceramic field, VFF can develop products with a suitable mass and in different sizes and shapes, tailor-made for the customer. This also includes catalyst support material, which can be coated by the customer, for example.

Get in touch with the VFF team if you have any further questions. If you have a special requirement and cannot find the right product in our wide range, please do not hesitate to contact us. VFF will gladly try to develop the right individual solution for you.

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