
Berthold Technologies

Calmbacher Strasse 22
75323 Bad Wildbad

Tel : +49 7081 177 157
Fax : +49 7081 177-100

Number: 12


  • Is Radiometry Dangerous?

    Is Radiometry Dangerous?

    Is Radiometry dangerous? Definitely NOT! A common prejudice against radiometric measurements is that spending time near such a measurement is dangerous and causes high radiation exposure. However, the reality is different: By using modern and sensitive detectors, the measurements can ...

  • The Life Cycle of a Radioactive Source

    The Life Cycle of a Radioactive Source

    Sealed radioactive sources have been used widely in our measuring systems for decades now. We at Berthold are focussed on the safe handling of the sources and are there by your side during the whole active life of the measurement with a radioactive source assisting you with legal requirements ...

  • Understanding the Source and Effect of Radioactivity

    Understanding the Source and Effect of Radioactivity

    Fact check? Does ionizing radiation used for radiometric measurements actually glow? Have you got misconceptions about radioactivity? Radioactive materials dont glow green like you see in some films. ► Understanding source and effect, ionizing radiation, radioactive material and ...

  • The Basic Principle of Shielding

    The Basic Principle of Shielding

    Radiometric measurement systems require a radioactive source, which emits gamma radiation in all directions. The radioactive material is safely held in a sealed and durable capsule, which guarantees safe handling - even under extreme measurement conditions. Our Expert covers the basics ...

  • The Radiometric Measuring Range

    The Radiometric Measuring Range

    Radiometric level measurements from Berthold are used in a wide range of industries. Measurement ranges from a few millimeters up to several meters can be realized.

  • Responsive image Density Measurement
  • Responsive image Level Measurement
  • Responsive image Level and density in FCC processes
  • Responsive image Level and density in resid hydrocracking processes