The chlorides level in amine cycle of our gas sweetening plant have reached up to 1800 mg/L, what can be the probable causes and their solutions, also suggest vendors for the suitable systems.
Marcio Wagner da Silva, Petrobras,
The high chloride concentration in the amine solution is responsible for Heat Stable Salts (HSS) which lead to corrosion and poor performance of the amine system, the literature quotes that the heat stable salts concentration in the amine solution should not exceed 0,5 % in mass. Considering the high chloride level, it's necessary to verify the quality of the make up water, in processing plants using sea water as cooling fluid to the process leakages in heat exchangers can cause severe contamination by chloride. Under severe chloride contamination is recommended to change the amine inventory of the system raising the concentration of fresh amine. Another alternative is the amine reclaiming in order to remove the contaminants, the article published by Arthur L Cummings, Glen Smith and Dennis K Nelsen in PTQ Magazine in February 2007 can be a good reference about the available technologies for amine reclaiming. You can view the article HERE