

  • What’s the difference between the filming amine and corrosion inhibitors? Can we use corrosion inhibitors as a filming amine?



  • Marcio Wagner da Silva, Petrobras, marciows@petrobras.com.br

    For an adequate response it's important to know where you pretend to apply the filming amine or the corrosion inhibitor. The filming amine is a type of corrosion inhibitor which is commonly applied in steam boilers and cooling systems through the production of a hydrophobic film over the metal surfaces, leading to an effective protection against corrosion from oxygen and carbonic acid. Another advantage of filming amines is the environmental friendly character in comparison with hydrazine for example. As previously described, the filming amine is a type of corrosion inhibitor, but can not be applied for all applications. The definition of the adequate corrosion inhibitor for each process and fluid depends on the process conditions and variables like: - Pressure; - Temperature; - Fluid composition; - pH; - Compatibility with the Material of Construction (MOC) of the process plant; In other words, it's important to carry out a deep process analysis to define the adequate corrosion inhibitor for your process or equipment which can be or not filming amines.

