

  • If anyone could help me in calculating Vapour Pressure of heavy hydrocarbon products such as fuel oil, base oil, vacuum residue etc... by any means of other physical properties like flash point, density, viscosity, etc..., I would be highly appreciated. That's for pump performance calculations!



  • Marcio Wagner da Silva, Petrobras, marciows@petrobras.com.br

    The best source for determining physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbons are the publications from Dr. M.R. Riazi. specifically for this topic (Vapour Pressure for heavy hydrocarbons) a good reference is the article "Predicting Vapor Pressure of Heavy Hydrocarbons from Molar Refractions and it's Applications to Petroleum Mixtures" from M.R. Riazi and Y.S. AlQaheem published in 2010.
