

  • What heat and mass transfer technologies are helping the industry lower Opex?



  • Caroline Bird, Solenis LLC, cbird@solenis.com

    Heat exchanger efficiency is critical to the success of any industrial operation, yet many plants rely on outdated or inadequate data to assess the health of their heat exchanger networks. As digitalisation is slowly becoming accepted and explored in the industry, there are opportunities for refining and petrochemical operations to improve data management and lower operating expenses.

    Digital monitoring of heat exchanger reliability and performance is allowing companies to identify problem heat exchangers and create appropriate action plans to optimise heat exchanger efficiency.

    Solenis’ HexEval performance monitoring program for heat exchangers is an example of this digitalisation. The program allows plant operators to identify and monitor problem heat exchangers that are operating outside of set limits for fouling and scale. As a result, plant operators can address fouling and scale issues in real time to help avoid a plant shutdown or slowdown.

    Additionally, Solenis’ HexEval program provides an online repository for all heat exchanger activity, allowing access to historical data when needed. This allows plant personnel to devise action plans to proactively address system issues, thereby maintaining plant productivity and generating operational savings. The utilisation of the HexEval program has enabled numerous Solenis customers to decrease corrosion and corrosion-related pitting, cleanings outside of turnarounds, and heat exchanger failures. Knowledge is power, and having the knowledge of their heat exchangers at their fingertips has enabled refining and petrochemical operations to significantly reduce their operating costs.

