

Fixed-bed reactor performance management

In this presentation, Crystaphase will share examples of refiner experiences that illustrate a proven next-level approach to fixed-bed reactor optimization around fouling and hydrodynamics that integrates rigorous testing, intensive analysis, thorough reporting, and more to inform optimized bed loading design solutions. Building on its extensive experience, Crystaphase has developed this approach to help refiners more effectively achieve production objectives, more confidently make difficult decisions, and more fully realize the value of investments in their reactors. The presentation will outline some of the elements a refiner should expect when incorporating this approach into a proactive strategy for managing performance in fixed-bed reactors within their network.

Register today to benefit from the following insights:
- Get an overview of a holistic approach to fixed-bed reactor performance management through testing, analysis, reporting, and more.
- Explore the factors that can contribute to positive outcomes in fixed-bed reactors across a production network.
- Learn how to shift from an incident-reactive pattern to a proactive strategy for improving fixed-bed reactor operations.
- Discover ways to more clearly make decisions, more fully realize the value of investments, more consistently achieve production objectives, or even achieve objectives not previously possible.

Experts from Crystaphase will answer questions during the session

Austin Schneider
Director of Technology

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  • Fixed-bed reactor performance management

    In this presentation, Crystaphase will share examples of refiner experiences that illustrate a proven next-level approach to fixed-bed reactor optimization around fouling ...
