

Rising Stars is back and we are on the search for our 2019 finalists

This is your chance to speak in front of the biggest and most senior downstream audience in Europe where you can share your vision for the industry. This year’s question is: “How would you awaken the downstream dinosaur?”

To provide you with some inspiration, watch last year's Rising Stars highlights video. We also interviewed last year’s winner Ross O’Brien from BP. Download the interview here to hear his thoughts and how winning Rising Stars has changed long-term career goals.

To be eligible, you must fulfil the below criteria:
• Aged 30 or under by November 2019
• Currently working for a refiner or petrochemical producer
• With at least three years’ experience in the downstream industry (petrochemical or refining)
• Available to attend ERTC, which takes place on 4 - 7 November 2019

Submit your nominations - http://info.wraconferences.com/ertcrisingstars
The deadline for nominations is Friday 23rd August and then it will go off to our esteemed judges to whittle down the large numbers to the 2019 finalists In Warsaw. You have to be in it to win it! We look forward to reading your abstracts.

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