
PhaseFinder™ Tanks and Spheres

How can PhaseFinder™ help me determine where the different levels are in my tanks? A PhaseFinder™ scan on tanks and spheres provides you with a clear picture of hydrocarbon, water and emulsion levels, and determines if there is any sludge or plugged vent lines. Tracerco can measure the height of each phase in your tank.

Is any special preparation needed before a PhaseFinder™ scan is performed?
A PhaseFinder™ scan is generally performed without any preparation to the tank or sphere before testing. The instrument is held against the side of
the tank and is easily moved along the tank wall.

How is a PhaseFinder™ scan performed?
PhaseFinder™ is a combination of a specialist signal emitter and detector in a small portable lightweight instrument. Different molecules and phases respond in a different manner, enabling Tracerco to accurately detect the position of individual phases from the outside of a vessel.


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