Managing fouling in refinery networks
Modelling heat exchanger and other networks enables the use of dynamic fouling models in performance assessment and predictive studies
Processing high TAN crude: part I
Huizhou, which is the first refinery for processing 100% high TAN crude, started up in 2009. This article describes the challenges of an opportunity crude ...
A novel approach to cleaning furnace coils
A modified pigging operation aims to greatly reduce the time required for coke removal from furnace coils
Choosing a neutralising amine corrosion inhibitor
A review of physical and chemical properties of commonly used amine-based corrosion inhibitors. The authors highlight the relative strengths and weaknesses ...
Removing contaminants from crude oil
Natural and introduced contaminants limit crude desalting effectiveness, increasing fouling and corrosion risks in downstream units
Stripping sour water: the effect of heat stable salts
Mass transfer rate-based simulation models sour water stripping and assesses the distribution of ammonia in conventional amine treating systems
Detecting and dealing with hydrate formation
A review of cause, detection and treatment of hydrate plug formation in gas pipelines. Gas hydrates are solid crystalline compounds, which have a structure ...
Combating green oil formation in a CCR reformer
The addition of a chloride adsorber guard bed solved a refiner’s issues with contamination affecting a CCR reformer’s rich gas compressor
Microbiological causes of corrosion
Many of the most serious problems with corrosion of refinery equipment have a microbiological basis
Control of foaming in amine systems
Amine solutions foam. Solution foaming causes plant upsets. It is the disengagement or break time that differentiates normal, desirable froth from undesirable ...
Safe removal of polymeric deposits
Damaging polymeric fouling of internals can be cleaned in situ by safe chemical treatments. Butadiene polymer formation is not an unusual problem in butadiene ...
Removing salts and contaminants in glycol regeneration
A new process combining candle filters and pressure plate filters enables more glycol to be safely recovered from natural gas than by conventional met ...
Mitigating fouling in the caustic tower
Comprehensive analysis of foulants in an ethylene plant’s caustic tower led to the identification of an effective treatment programme
Preventing ammonium salt fouling and corrosion
Best practices and opportunities to reduce the risk of salt deposition and damage
Chloride removal in refineries
A review of catalytic removal of chlorides from refinery streams and a critique of current analytical techniques for estimating chloride content
An understanding of process basics and fouling mechanisms enables increased run length in problem columns.
Foaming in fractionation columns
By understanding the foaming process and its root causes, steps can be taken to eliminate or minimise the formation of foaming.
Controlling corrosion in amine treatment units
A range of measures can be taken to minimise corrosion in amine units. The amine unit plays a vital role in the petroleum refining, gas processing, coal ...
Olefins plant cracker gas compressor fouling
Monitoring and treating process gas compressors to prevent corrosion and fouling. Several examples of improved compressor performance through the utilisation ...
Linings for sulphur storage tanks
Flexible spray coatings combat the corrosion mechanisms of sulphur stored in steel tanks.
Hydrogen-induced cracking and blistering
Hydrogen damage to steel is a well-known consequence of corrosion in sour service. A corrosion inhibitor program can reduce hydrogen entry into the metal. ...
Multiple corrosion mechanisms in crude distillation overhead system
Extensive troubleshooting efforts determine distinct corrosion mechanisms simultaneously attacking multiple areas of an atmospheric tower overhead sys ...
Reactor effluent air cooler safety through design
Quality-controlled replacement of carbon steel with Duplex 2205 for revamps can increase the service life and reliability of the REAC in the high-pressure ...
Combating reactor pressure drop
A refiner investigates the causes of pressure drop due to fouling in a fixed bed reactor and considers an appropriate mitigation strategy
Why there is no excuse for operating a dirty amine system. The benefits of reclaiming amine systems are trumpeted by many and doubted by others.
Managing fouling in refinery networks
Modelling heat exchanger and other networks enables the use of dynamic fouling models in performance assessment and predictive studies
Control corrosion in refineries and petrochemical plants
Formation of a water-resistant organic film barrier stops electrochemical corrosion on metal surfaces.
Meeting the challenge of tramp amines in crudes
New technologies provide options to refiners for quantifying and mitigating tramp amine corrosion risk.
Maximising stripping section performance
The design of a crude unit stripping section affects diesel and gasoil yields, energy usage, and unit reliability.
Improving turnarounds and operations with online cleaning
Case histories illustrate the financial and operational gains achieved by replacing mechanical cleaning with online, closed-loop operations. The conventional ...
An introduction to fouling in fired heaters: part 1
Fouling is the accumulation and formation of unwanted materials on the surfaces of processing equipment.
A novel approach to cleaning furnace coils
A modified pigging operation aims to greatly reduce the time required for coke removal from furnace coils
High efficiency contaminant removal - Improving new and existing acid gas sweetening processes
Gas sweetening processes using amine solvents are often challenged to meet productivity and reliability targets due to the impact of solid and liquid contamination. ...
Managing the life cycle of coke drums
Coke drums have finite lives. Understanding where they are in their life cycle is key to managing spending on repair or replacement
Responses to a question in the Q1 2021 issues Q&A feature
Desalter chemical programmes for opportunity crudes
Opportunity crude processing can present many challenges including incompatibility, high calcium and tramp amines.
Optimising critical level control in desalters by using multiphase level measurements
Refineries are a complex set of various operating units designed to process crude oil into refined products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuels and feedstocks ...
Crude oil processing scheme for reducing operating costs in the CDU
Development of crude oil distillation processing schemes to significantly reduce external energy and stripping steam demand.
Optimising refinery operations through innovative corrosion-resistant materials
A high alloyed austenitic stainless steel is supporting advances in the chemical and refinery industries.
Response to a question in the Q3 2020 issue of PTQ
Combating green oil formation in a CCR reformer
The addition of a chloride adsorber guard bed solved a refiner’s issues with contamination affecting a CCR reformer’s rich gas compressor
Heat exchanger fouling analytics
Modelling the effects of fouling on the performance of heat exchangers and its impact on product values as well as energy losses
Types of corrosion and materials to combat them
A review of corrosion problems in fluid systems and how to prolong their life in one of the oil and gas industry’s most challenging environments.
Raising diesel yield by chemical treatment
A chemical treatment programme combined with process monitoring enables increased production of middle distillates.
Protecting your hydroprocessing reactor
Owners and operators respect a hydroprocessing reactor’s minimum pressurisation temperature but can fail to understand factors other than the temper ...
Ceramic coating application in a refinery steam methane reformer furnace
Increase an SMR’s thermal efficiency by applying a high emissivity ceramic coating on the furnace box walls.
Crude preheat train fouling and fix-up
Rigorous modelling of crude preheat train exchangers allows for fouling progression of the heat exchangers to be monitored throughout the crude unit run ...
Overcoming wastewater challenges of opportunity crude processing
Refinery wastewater facilities need new practices and solutions for efficient and sustainable operation with heavy opportunity crudes.
Controlling corrosion in amine treatment units
A range of measures can be taken to minimise corrosion in amine units. The amine unit plays a vital role in the petroleum refining, gas processing, coal ...
Increasing refinery recycled water quality and usage
A refinery ensured a reliable source of recycled water for cooling make-up water by applying a biofilm detection and control programme to its wastewater ...
Meeting the challenge of tramp amines in crudes
New technologies provide options to refiners for quantifying and mitigating tramp amine corrosion risk.
Synergistic multifunctional corrosion inhibitors for high-acid crudes
Mitigate high-temperature naphthenic acid corrosion in enabling reliable and economical processing of high acid crudes.
Corrosion mitigation of amine units using MEA for deep CO2 removal: Part 2
Amines used in gas treating affect reboiler and regenerator stainless and carbon steel components, influenced by temperatures, chlorides, acid gas loadings, ...
Using CRA barriers to avoid metal degradation in gas plants (TiA)
When faced with metal wastage, asset owners and operators have viable options available to them in addressing the corrosion mechanisms with a corrosion ...
Desalter optimisation strategies: Part 2
Analysis and optimisation strategies implemented for a two-stage desalter processing light to medium API crude blends at a Southeast Asian refinery.
Water scarcity poses a challenge to the petroleum refining industry, impacting operational efficiency and sustainability goals.
Selection of ULSD dryers: Key technical considerations
An evaluation of various drying options for ULSD aiming to pass bright and clear specifications or haze ratings.
Proactive management reduces crude preheat fouling risks
Predictive modelling allows for fouling risks to be predicted and effectively managed, improving energy efficiency while reducing emissions and operating ...
Desalter optimisation strategies: Part I
Analysis and optimisation strategies implemented for a two-stage desalter processing light to medium API crude blends at a Southeast Asian refinery.
Corrosion monitoring techniques and benefits of newer methods
By leveraging the power of AIoT, industry can overcome the hidden challenges of permanent ultrasonic sensor solutions and achieve superior operational ...
Optimising refinery operations through innovative corrosion-resistant materials
A high alloyed austenitic stainless steel is supporting advances in the chemical and refinery industries.
Enhancing refinery sustainability with EmulsionSENS in desalter operations (RI 2024)
In the continuous pursuit of optimising refinery efficiency and sustainability, the integration of advanced instrumentation plays a pivotal role.
Role of spiral heat exchangers in refineries (RI 2024)
Nexson is a French company based in Garchizy in the Nièvre region. Aware of environmental issues, the company helps manufacturers optimise their manufacturing ...
Foam in the field: how proper level instrumentation can alleviate issues
The objective of this paper is to review challenges presented by foam and how to realise operational improvements through proper level instrumentation. ...
Navigating corrosion challenges in column overhead systems
Case-by-case methodology as part of best engineering practices, and integration of computer tools as accurate means to predict, identify, and mitigate ...
Eight critical process vessel, tower and column corrosion mitigation projects
Integrated Global Services (IGS) discusses eight global process vessel, column, and tower corrosion mitigation projects. This paper explores innovative ...
A new approach to the costly problem of biofilm formation in refinery and petrochemical operations.
Overcoming wastewater challenges of opportunity crude processing
Refinery wastewater facilities need new practices and solutions for efficient and sustainable operation with heavy opportunity crudes.
Olefin purification: Why selecting the right adsorbent matters
Removing difficult-to-detect contaminants helps minimise adsorbent reactivity while avoiding side reactions and excessive heat release.
Predictive model for maximum feedstock flexibility (ERTC 2023)
Challenge of crude oil variability. Current market conditions are driving refineries towards a permanent diversification in crudes. Crude oil is a complex ...
Optimising fouled distillation units
Case studies discuss optimisation strategies and enhanced distillation unit performance against fouled conditions.
Control corrosion in refineries and petrochemical plants
Formation of a water-resistant organic film barrier stops electrochemical corrosion on metal surfaces.
Anti-fouling additives to improve heavy oil processing
A continuous pilot testing evaluation shows how magnesium sulphonated-based nano-additive is highly effective in mitigating and reducing upgrader/refinery ...
Reducing fuel usage in the midst of a new gas demand reduction plan
Processing facilities, including refineries, power plants and petrochemical complexes, are soon likely to be feeling the effects of Europe’s latest Gas ...