Accurate prediction of tower relief
A comparison of conventional and dynamic simulation methods applied to a project to debottleneck a deisobutaniser
Improved reactor internals for HGO hydrotreaters
Reactor internals of a plant’s heavy gasoil hydroprocessing units, which became inadequate for the operations they were originally designed for, have ...
Beating pressure drop with a trash baskets redesign
Unscheduled turnarounds of hydrotreaters can be expensive in terms of catalyst and manpower costs, as well as the value of lost production
Reliability is a buzz word used a lot these days. You hear it a lot and it means different things to different people based on their job description.
Avoiding unplanned reactor shutdowns
In hydroprocessing operations, prevention is better than just dealing with the effects of corrosion and fouling problems.
When replacement in-kind gives performance that isn’t: a vibration case study
This story starts with a familiar scenario for a fluidised catalytic cracking unit (FCCU); a 30 year old waste heat boiler (WHB) had become a maintenance ...
When replacement in-kind gives performance that isn’t: a vibration case study
This story starts with a familiar scenario for a fluidised catalytic cracking unit (FCCU); a 30 year old waste heat boiler (WHB) had become a maintenance ...
Avoiding unplanned reactor shutdowns
In hydroprocessing operations, prevention is better than just dealing with the effects of corrosion and fouling problems.
Accurate prediction of tower relief
A comparison of conventional and dynamic simulation methods applied to a project to debottleneck a deisobutaniser
Beating pressure drop with a trash baskets redesign
Unscheduled turnarounds of hydrotreaters can be expensive in terms of catalyst and manpower costs, as well as the value of lost production
Reliability is a buzz word used a lot these days. You hear it a lot and it means different things to different people based on their job description.
Improved reactor internals for HGO hydrotreaters
Reactor internals of a plant’s heavy gasoil hydroprocessing units, which became inadequate for the operations they were originally designed for, have ...
When replacement in-kind gives performance that isn’t: a vibration case study
This story starts with a familiar scenario for a fluidised catalytic cracking unit (FCCU); a 30 year old waste heat boiler (WHB) had become a maintenance ...
Avoiding unplanned reactor shutdowns
In hydroprocessing operations, prevention is better than just dealing with the effects of corrosion and fouling problems.
Reliability is a buzz word used a lot these days. You hear it a lot and it means different things to different people based on their job description.
Accurate prediction of tower relief
A comparison of conventional and dynamic simulation methods applied to a project to debottleneck a deisobutaniser
Beating pressure drop with a trash baskets redesign
Unscheduled turnarounds of hydrotreaters can be expensive in terms of catalyst and manpower costs, as well as the value of lost production
Improved reactor internals for HGO hydrotreaters
Reactor internals of a plant’s heavy gasoil hydroprocessing units, which became inadequate for the operations they were originally designed for, have ...