Understanding basic principles of flow calculations
Valve size often is described by the nominal size of the end connections, but a more important measure is the flow that the valve can provide.
Managing fouling in refinery networks
Modelling heat exchanger and other networks enables the use of dynamic fouling models in performance assessment and predictive studies
Spent sulphuric acid regeneration (SAR) process
Several chemical processes utilise concentrated sulphuric acid as a catalyst or dehydrating agent, in which the acid becomes “spent”; ie, weakened ...
Processing high TAN crude: part I
Huizhou, which is the first refinery for processing 100% high TAN crude, started up in 2009. This article describes the challenges of an opportunity crude ...
Hydrogen generation for modern refineries
With increasing demand for diesel, more stringent product specifications for cleaner fuels, reduced fuel oil demand and the economic advantages in processing ...
Sour water strippers: design and operation
Simpler, more cost-effective sour water stripper designs can outperform more generally accepted designs in the refining industry
Naphtha catalytic cracking for propylene production
Investment in on-purpose propylene production technology based on naphtha-based feedstock is taking on various process configurations
Oil/water separation technologies
Where stable emulsions cannot be removed mechanically, the application of demulsifiers, coagulants and flocculants accelerates the separation process
Catalytic reforming options and practices
Design and practice in catalytic reforming is evolving to meet refinery challenges, including lower gasoline pool benzene content and increased demand ...
Methanol from CO2: a technology and outlook overview
Optimal capture of CO2 towards methanol production compels development of sustainable renewable solutions like green methanol.
High-purity propylene from refinery LPG
A case study and financial analysis show that investment opportunities for refiners exist with the expected future high price of propylene
Understanding centrifugal compressor performance
In a connected process system, expensive changes to the compressor and driver can be avoided with system debottlenecking modifications
Gasifying coke to produce hydrogen in refineries
Coke gasification to produce hydrogen for hydroprocessing is more capital intensive than steam methane reforming, but not so vulnerable to natural gas ...
RFCC units set new standard for propylene production
RFCC units are being commissioned and operated to convert hydrotreated and straight-run resid to high levels of propylene
A novel approach to cleaning furnace coils
A modified pigging operation aims to greatly reduce the time required for coke removal from furnace coils
Optimising sweep gas flow in a flare header
How to calculate the minimum flow of flare header sweep gas needed to maintain safe conditions
Calculating column relief loads
Conventional, steady-state and dynamic simulation techniques are compared in a study of relief loads for failure modes applied to a distillation colum ...
Optimisation of product yield and coke formation in a RFCC unit
Simulation studies of a commercial residue fluid catalytic cracking unit indicate the conditions for an optimum balance of product yield with low coke ...
Highly exothermic olefins saturation and silica contamination can occur when hydrotreating coker naphtha.
Metathesis for maximum propylene
Using metathesis technology to process refinery-based C4 feedstocks can maximise propylene. The economic advantages of flow schemes using alpha-olefins ...
Centrifugal compressor operations
The wet gas compressor is used as an example in this article reviewing compressor performance, operating conditions and basic control philosophy
Improving the distillation energy network
Energy-efficient design applied to the refit of a distillation unit was achieved through optimisation between the distillation column and heat network ...
A review of the use of chloride guard beds to treat liquid phase and gas phase streams to prevent operational problems from hard-to-detect organic chlorides, ...
Improved hydrogen yield in catalytic reforming
A process step that sends higher-boiling C6 hydrocarbons to light tops isomerisation delivers an increase in hydrogen production from naphtha catalytic ...
Alarm floods and plant incidents
Alarm floods and their contribution to industrial incidents can be controlled successfully through all process states
More petrochemicals with less capital spending
Even in nations with exceptional dependence on transportation fuels like Brazil, better integration with petrochemicals production is essential for re ...
Energy management and sustainability of the downstream industry
Energy management must feature in any strategy in the downstream industry for both environmental impact and economic competitiveness.
The role of biofuels in the energy transition
Overcoming the challenges of coprocessing renewables.
Delayed coking as a sustainable refinery solution
Fuel grade coke is a serious environmental pollutant but the producer, the delayed coking process, can be a contributor to future sustainable development ...
Profiting from the lubricants market
Pursuing a profitable and more sustainable purpose for crude oil through the lubricants market requires examination of lubricants production via hydro ...
Closing the sustainability cycle
Role of plastics recycling technologies in the future of the downstream industry.
Needle coke — overcoming quality challenges in a resurgent market
The quality of needle coke precursors as a function of their origin and/or process is discussed against a backdrop of the drive to enhance quality, purity, ...
Managing fouling in refinery networks
Modelling heat exchanger and other networks enables the use of dynamic fouling models in performance assessment and predictive studies
Experimental phase balance assessment for duplex stainless steel welded pipe
This paper discusses the assessment of weld metal ferrite content in duplex stainless steel pipe welded at a 45Ëšangle
Delek brings refineries into synchronised digital maturity
Since the company was founded in the early 2000s, the business strategy at Delek US Holdings, Inc. has focused on rapid growth through acquisition of downstream ...
Computation of heat conduction in welding of thick wall reactor vessels
The welding of reactors in refinery is complex due to various phase formation during and after welding. Each phase was unique with success of welding lies ...
Maintenance and reliability for rotating equipment closing the loop
Maintenance of rotating equipment is a vast subject that could fill volumes.
CCS from refinery emissions: CO2 purity must be analysed and controlled
One of the most promising measures to decarbonise refinery operations is carbon capture and storage (CCS) from existing combustion processes, such as process ...
IMO 2020 - Maritime CEMS and refinery changes
For several years, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has stipulated low levels of sulphur emissions close to densely populated coastal areas, ...
Hydrogen SMR energy efficiency optimisation
Steam methane reformers (SMR) are the most common hydrogen production technique in the oil and gas industry.
Improved hydrogen yield in catalytic reforming
A process step that sends higher-boiling C6 hydrocarbons to light tops isomerisation delivers an increase in hydrogen production from naphtha catalytic ...
Optimising FCC economics against changing market dynamics
CO promoters are a frequently overlooked parameter for better control of afterburning, as demonstrated in a case study amidst a changing platinum group ...
Environmental monitoring and management in the downstream oil and gas sector
Keeping it clean, keeping it green. Ground water, rain water run-off and effluent. Contaminated soil replacement in spillage areas, excavated soil disposal ...
Part 1 covered the basics of crude-to-chemicals. Part 2 explains how hydroprocessing technology can be used to convert any crude to chemicals to maximise ...
Hydrogen — making the move from industrial gas to fuel
Our sun creates energy through the fusion reaction of hydrogen to form helium: that’s been going on for millions of years.
Steam reforming natural gas containing higher hydrocarbons
A method is described for estimating reformed gas composition in a primary reformer when the feed is a natural gas containing higher hydrocarbons
Methanol from CO2: a technology and outlook overview
Optimal capture of CO2 towards methanol production compels development of sustainable renewable solutions like green methanol.
Boosting mild hydrocracking performance
Optimising its mild hydrocracking operations using new catalyst developments enabled a refinery to meet more complex targets for fuel quality.
Slug catcher debottleneck protects downstream processing (TIA)
Effective separation of oil and gas from different impurities in upstream operations is a matter of paramount importance. All downstream activities and ...
Molecular management for refinery-petrochemical complexes
Designing a digital twin for process simulation of an integrated complex enables enhanced molecular management to deliver higher margin.The future comprises ...
Increase process efficiency and service life of syngas process equipment
(White Paper) - The syngas industry plays a crucial role in producing essential materials like ammonia, methanol, hydrogen, and synthetic fuels. However, ...
Control points during the lifecycle of precious metal catalysts
(White Paper) - Key contractual factors can greatly influence metal value returns for precious metals spent catalysts.
More and more petroleum ... -
Can pyrolysis oil unlock greater plastic circularity?
(White Paper) - Combining pyrolysis and vapour-phase catalytic upgrading offers lower temperature and energy requirements, higher yields, and optimised ...
A comparative analysis of vacuum PMT and SiPM
(White Paper) - Radiometric measurements have become indispensable tools across various industrial applications, serving critical roles as level, density, ...
Renewables Part 2: A focus on SAF
Review of HEFA technologies as well as alcohol-to-jet and Fischer-Tropsch synthetic paraffinic kerosene processes and the impact of feedstock and process ...
Maximising hydrocracker performance and middle distillate production
Combining high-quality materials and scalable low-cost catalyst manufacturing as a prerequisite to commercialise accessible USY zeolites.
Value of pre-activated catalyst in HEFA units
Hydroprocessing units designed for fossil feedstocks cannot easily switch to HEFA feedstock processing without a solution that addresses the significant ...
Co-processing of chemical recycling products in FCC units
To perform a techno-economic assessment it is important to determine the crackability and the yield structure effects of alternative feedstocks.
Catalyst rejuvenation for greener hydroprocessing
The chemical industry enables so much of modern life, reaching 96% of all manufactured goods. However, its contribution to emissions cannot be denied, ...
Vital role of tank gauging in refineries: Ensuring accuracy and safety
Refineries play a critical role in processing crude oil and producing various petroleum products.
How to establish an effective ethanol uplift model
The question of how to establish an effective ethanol uplift model has become common in the context of gasoline blending.
Maximising gasoline blending efficiency: Key APC strategies for profit and precision
Advanced process control (APC) is crucial in real-time analysis and recipe management for optimising gasoline blending operations.
Using CRA barriers to avoid metal degradation in gas plants (TiA)
When faced with metal wastage, asset owners and operators have viable options available to them in addressing the corrosion mechanisms with a corrosion ...
Potential of renewable fuels and SAF
A discussion of current technologies that can allow pivoting from renewable diesel to SAF and even revert to the full production of fossil fuels, as markets ...
Optimising shell and tube heat exchanger operation
Case studies show how inserts improve heat transfer coefficients, mitigate fouling and reduce end-of-run pressure drop, as demonstrated with the preheat ...
Improving energy performance of instrument air system
Real-time case study wherein extended adsorption cycle times has led to reduced fuel firing in a captive power plant and effective utilisation of ener ...
Desalter optimisation strategies: Part 2
Analysis and optimisation strategies implemented for a two-stage desalter processing light to medium API crude blends at a Southeast Asian refinery.
Revamping sulphur recovery units with high-level oxygen enrichment
Two case studies demonstrate how high-level oxygen enrichment can address two distinct issues that existing SRUs are likely to face in the future of r ...
Process control and energy management in the 21st century
Key online measurements and technologies for safe and optimal refinery operation, highlighting potential energy savings that can lead to reduced CO2 e ...
Overcoming the complexities of spent caustic treating
Case studies focus on sustainable solutions for treating highly alkaline spent caustic refinery waste with widely available carbon dioxide.
Mass transfer solutions: Selecting the optimal solution
Utilising low differential pressure, high surface area mass transfer devices reduce treating unit size while meeting more stringent regulations and improving ...
FCC unit stripper design and troubleshooting
Efficient removal of hydrocarbons from spent catalyst depends on multiple variables and is influenced by stripper design, as shown in the following di ...
Corrosion mitigation of amine units using MEA for deep CO2 removal: Part 1
Case study describing a gas plant experiencing high corrosion rates in the unit’s major equipment, including the regenerator and contactor towers.
Powering the future: The role of Electrification
As industries worldwide confront ambitious climate goals, electrification has become a vital strategy for reducing emissions and advancing sustainabil ...
Lifecycle management of precious metal catalysts (NARTC 2025)
Critical operations in many petroleum and petrochemical companies rely on catalysts containing precious metals (PMs) such as platinum, palladium, ruthenium, ...
Increase process efficiency and service life of syngas process equipment
(White Paper) - The syngas industry plays a crucial role in producing essential materials like ammonia, methanol, hydrogen, and synthetic fuels. However, ...
Control points during the lifecycle of precious metal catalysts
(White Paper) - Key contractual factors can greatly influence metal value returns for precious metals spent catalysts.
More and more petroleum ... -
Can pyrolysis oil unlock greater plastic circularity?
(White Paper) - Combining pyrolysis and vapour-phase catalytic upgrading offers lower temperature and energy requirements, higher yields, and optimised ...
A comparative analysis of vacuum PMT and SiPM
(White Paper) - Radiometric measurements have become indispensable tools across various industrial applications, serving critical roles as level, density, ...