

Measuring level in a molten sulphur pit (TIA)

Not every level measurement application is straightforward. In some instances, the nature of the substance being measured creates a hostile measurement atmosphere requiring creative solutions.

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Article Summary

Without reliable instruments in these environments, the level measurement readings can be inaccurate and cause significant problems. Magnetrol produces a broad portfolio of level instrumentation designed to tackle tough challenges. This article shares the story of a company that found a reliable way to measure its most challenging application, a sulphur pit, using Magnetrol instrumentation.

Application challenges
A gas production company required an accurate level measurement in a molten sulphur pit. Previously, the company used a bubble system that required regular maintenance and recalibration to keep it operational. Obtaining an accurate level measurement is difficult in this application due to both the low dielectric of the process medium and dry sulphur build-up. In addition, the relatively high temperature (300°F/150 °C) and the corrosive properties of molten sulphur increased the demand for service and maintenance.

Application solution
The Magnetrol Eclipse Model 706 guided wave radar transmitter provides accurate and reliable level measurements in difficult process conditions. When compared to other technologies, the Eclipse requires less maintenance and does not need calibration. To ensure maximum accuracy and reliability, Magnetrol equipped the Model 706 with a Model 7YF single-rod probe.

Before the Eclipse was accepted as the molten sulphur pit level control device, it was tested and monitored. Plant operators using the manual hand-dipped method checked each measurement it made. After two weeks of testing, its performance was verified and its application was endorsed.
The single-rod probe performed well despite the problems that can be caused by sulphur build-up or coating. A strong pulse was still detected from the liquid surface despite the build-up.

Reliable level measurement of molten sulphur in a pit is difficult to obtain. The Eclipse proved to be the solution for process level control that was not adversely affected by high temperature, probe build-up, or the corrosive properties of the media measured.

Eclipse Model 706 loop-powered, 24 VDC transmitters are designed with guided wave radar technology, which represents best in class liquid level instrumentation. The 706 is ideal for wellhead equipment including separators and oil tanks. This level transmitter is designed to provide measurement performance well beyond that of many more traditional technologies:
-    Fast start-up and stabilisation times reduce energy consumption
-    Accurate top level and interface measurement delivers precise tank capacity control to reduce production costs
-    Powerful diagnostics and data storage enable efficient remote monitoring
-    Complete probe line ensures reliable performance, regardless of media
-    Compatible with industry standard remote terminal units (RTU).

For more information: info@magnetrol.com

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